Annie - Dasia Amos Miss Hannigan - Nia Reynolds Oliver “Daddy” Warbucks – Jose Rondon Jr. Sandy - Madison Kelley Grace - Chelsea Pettiford Rooster - Avilon Tate Lily - TaShara Slaughter
Principle Orphans: Molly - Nyla Ruffin Pepper - Kierah Anderson Duffy - Alaisia Williams-Watlington July - Courtney Taylor Tessie - Raevyn Frazier Kate - Chanelle Turnbull
Show Description:
This production is an all dance interpretation of the popular 80’s movie called “ANNIE”, which was made famous by Aileen Quinn, Carol Burnett and Ann Reinking, including the dance styles of, ballet, pointe, tap, jazz, contemporary and hip-hop. We are doing the first ever all dance production of ANNIE; as our own interpretation of this beloved story.