DOROTHY - Chelsea Pettiford TOTO - Chandler Davidson AUNT EM - Nia Reynolds GLINDA - TaShara Slaughter MISS ONE - Chanelle Turnbull SCARECROW - Avilon Tate TIN MAN - Dasia Amos COWARDLY LION - Khishawn Robinson THE WIZ - Kierah Anderson EVILENE - Zakaiya Harvey
Show Description:
An all dance interpretation of the 1978 Broadway Musical production of The Wiz a re-imagining of the classic tale The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum. This performance is an adaptation of the Broadway Musical that is interpreted through what we have titled a Theatrical Ballet. It features musical dance numbers that express the story-line and artistry of dance and acting through Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Contemporary and Hip Hop. It features a cast comprised of predominantly kids from the community and it is an awesome, enjoyable, family-oriented event.